Reiki Articles and Videos

Reiki Treatment Demonstration

As a new Reiki Practitioner, building confidence in your ability to give Reiki treatments to others is essential. This video is an example and demonstration of how Jennifer conducts her Reiki treatments for her clients. It is an example to help build your confidence and develop your trust and relationship with Reiki.

As you grow in experience you will develop your own style of Reiki treatments.

Teaching Reiki to The Blind

By Jennifer Brodigan, first published in Reiki News Magazine, spring 2021. Reiki is an amazing journey that continues to teach us to expect the unexpected and to receive the gift of meeting extraordinary individuals.

Reiki Call podcast

In this episode of Reiki Call podcast, Karen Harrison welcomes Jennifer Brodigan to explore the transformative role of Reiki in hospital settings. Jennifer shares her journey from practicing Reiki to pioneering a hospital Reiki program, discussing her medical background and the experience that prepared her for this innovative initiative. She reveals the steps she took to gain hospital approval, build a team of dedicated Reiki volunteers, and create a specialized training program for them. Listeners will gain insight into how hospital staff were introduced to Reiki and the various departments, including Oncology and Surgery, where it made a profound impact. Jennifer also reflects on her most memorable experiences and how working in a hospital setting deepened her relationship with Reiki.

Reiki? What’s That?

By Jennifer Brodigan, first published in Reiki News Magazine, fall 2019. Sometimes it’s difficult to offer Reiki to others. This article provides words and techniques to make it easy.

A Soul Departs

By Jennifer Brodigan, first published in Reiki News Magazine, summer 2018. This is a story about how to use Reiki to comfort a loved one as their physical life comes to an end.

Reiki an Oncology Department Story

By Jennifer Brodigan, first published in Reiki News Magazine, fall 2018. The hospital Reiki program continued to grow and expanded into the surgical unit where patients receive Reiki prior to going into the operating room.